Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit

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Laurel Brookes, MS



Intuitive Therapy

... emotional clearing for well-being

How Intuitive Therapy May Benefit You:

By letting go of 'constipating' and outdated thoughts and emotions, you just may discover-

  • A greater ability to receive support-which helps you strengthen your courage muscles
  • that as you face your fears you create space for greater peace of mind to show up
  • The ability to see your life circumstances with greater clarity and purpose
  • Heightened sensory enjoyment
  • The ability and desire to let go of the past and live in the present
  • The ability to deepen your appreciation and enjoyment of your life
  • Less defensiveness and less need to be ‘right’

What Intuitive Therapy Is Not:

Fortune Telling:

I do not know when you’re going to meet Mr/s Right’ but I can help you prepare to maximize the likelihood of attracting and being a good partner.

‘Magic Wand’ Therapy:

I cannot zap you to make your life better. Any therapy can only work when the client is ready, willing and able to assume fullresponsibility for their own life and life choices. However, I can be your mirror, your coach and your support.

A ‘McDonalds’ Approach:

Intuitive Therapy is not a fast food approach. Old patterns are like old slippers. Comfy and worn out. Spiritual growth is a lifetime commitment. Sometimes it seems like one step forward and two back. That is normal. Hang in there. Genuine personal growth is a lifetime journey.

Anatomy 101 and Intuitive Therapy

Just as massage therapy calms and relaxes the outer body, Intuitive Therapy can be thought of as massage for the inner body. Body, mind and spirit are all one. Like family, loving attention to each individual member strengthens and nurtures the whole family unit.

Our nervous system is the boss. If it is not relaxed and happy, it is impossible for the muscles and other body systems to relax and function optimally. At the top of the chain of command, the nervous system is directly controlled by your thoughts. The buck stops here.

The reality that your thoughts control body-mind is both good news and bad. Good news if you are feeding your thoughts a healthy, balanced diet, and bad news if you are recycling the past and living on ‘fast food’ (negativity and victim).

On occasion we may fall victim to the continual negative bombardment in life and in the media, resulting in the loss of balance, perspective and hope. Intuitive Therapy can assist you in transmuting negativity by supporting you to find your own daily balance, key to living your highest expression.

You are Guaranteed:

  • Non judgmental support
  • Listening with presence (undivided attention)
  • 'Growing Pains'- Growth always implies discomfort as we stretch our comfort zone
  • However, by staying the course you will experience a fuller, richer life experience-a journey well worth your effort...


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Introducing Laurel...


I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Laurel Brookes. I was born & raised in Minnesota. I spent my summers at Big Birch Lake, winters in St. Paul--which explains my love of nature and city.

For the past 21 years, I've called Virginia Beach home. A wonderful spot in the universe as it so perfectly combines both city and nature (beach & state forest) which I so love!

An ideal day for me would be 75-80', I'm enjoying gardening, beaching, swimming, and walking in our lush, beautiful state park.  In the evening I gather with friends to witness the sun surrender to the magic of night..

My profession is Life Coach, Massage Therapist/Energy Worker . My formal academic life has concluded with a MS in counseling. Vowing to leave academia at that point, my "Ph.D" will have to arise from my life experience--the best kind of degree!

 Almost 40 years ago I discovered a passion for metaphysics--quite by 'accident' when I read my first Edgar Cayce book, "The Sleeping Prophet". It was a major wake-up call. I felt like I was discovering rooms in my house that I didn't even know existed! This spiritual awakening commenced a life journey of unprecidented proportion! A journey that has grown in passion over these 40 years. The books I've read, seminars I've attended, but mostly the kindred spirits I've encountered along the way all have come together to make up the rich tapestry which I call my life. This ever-expanding quest has layered my life with a depth and richness that nothing else can parallel. It's all about the journey. As the sages tell us, "the journey is the destination" as it keeps opening new and never ending doors....

So, this is the background from which I share these writings with you. Enjoy them. Digest them. I look forward to your feedback!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I's so excited to see that you will be offering articles about the work you do and insights you have about wellness and living life to its fullest postential. Yay Laurel!